Showing posts with label new moms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new moms. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

So You've Stopped Breastfeeding! Now What?

So, you've made the decision to wean your little one. Congratulations! It's a big step, and it's okay to feel a mix of emotions. Breastfeeding is a rewarding experience, but it eventually comes to an end. Whether you’ve chosen to stop breastfeeding abruptly or have gradually weaned your baby, your body will naturally reduce milk production. 

One of the things you might be wondering is: When will my milk finally dry up?

Second, instead of simply discarding excess milk, how can I make use of it during this transition period?

This process can take time, and it often comes with challenges like engorgement or leaking. 

Keep reading....

When Will Milk Production Stop?

How soon milk production stops depends on two main things...

1. Gradual Weaning vs. Sudden Weaning
2. How Often You Pump or Nurse

After you stop breastfeeding, your body will gradually adjust to the reduced demand for milk. The timeline for this process can vary widely based on factors like how abruptly you stop, how often you pumped or nursed, and how your body responds. Here's an overview of what to expect:

Gradual Weaning: If you reduce breastfeeding sessions slowly, your milk production will decrease over time. This typically takes several weeks to a few months. Gradual weaning minimizes discomfort and reduces the likelihood of issues like engorgement.

Sudden Weaning: If you stop breastfeeding abruptly, your milk supply may persist for a while. Full cessation of milk production can take up to 2 weeks, and sometimes longer, if your body doesn’t receive clear signals to stop producing milk.

The frequency of breastfeeding or pumping sessions directly affects how quickly your milk supply decreases. Reducing the number of nursing or pumping sessions gradually signals to your body that it no longer needs to produce milk. Conversely, abrupt cessation may result in more prolonged milk production.

How to Speed Up the Process...

If you're eager to stop milk production sooner, there are several methods you can use. However, it's important to approach the process gently to avoid complications like clogged ducts or mastitis.

1. Gradual Weaning

Gradual weaning is the most effective and gentle approach. By dropping one breastfeeding session at a time, your milk production will naturally decrease without overwhelming your body. This process may take 1 to 3 months, depending on how quickly you reduce nursing sessions.

2. Expressing Small Amounts of Milk

If you're feeling overly full, expressing a small amount of milk can help alleviate discomfort. However, avoid fully emptying your breasts, as doing so may signal to your body that more milk is needed. The goal is to reduce milk gradually, not to trigger more production.

3. Herbal Remedies

Certain herbs, such as sage, peppermint, and parsley, are believed to help reduce milk supply. Drinking peppermint tea or adding sage to your meals may support the drying-up process. Always consult your healthcare provider before using any herbal remedies to ensure they’re safe for you.

4. Cold Compresses

Cold packs or cabbage leaves placed on your breasts can reduce swelling and discomfort. Cabbage leaves, in particular, are commonly used to alleviate engorgement and signal to the body to decrease milk production. Apply cold compresses for 15-20 minutes a few times a day for relief.

5. Tight Bras or Binding

Wearing a snug, supportive bra (preferably without underwires to prevent blocked ducts) can provide gentle pressure on your breasts, helping reduce milk production. Some women find that binding their breasts with a sports bra helps, but be cautious not to apply too much pressure.

How To Avoid Leaky Breasts...

Milk leaks are common as your body adjusts to no longer breastfeeding. Here's how you can manage or avoid leaks during this period:

1. Nursing Pads

Nursing pads are essential for catching leaks, especially in the first few weeks after weaning. Choose absorbent pads that keep you comfortable and protect your clothes from stains.

2. Tight-Fitting Clothing or Layers

Wearing tighter tops or layering your clothing can help conceal any accidental leaks. If you're worried about leakage, carrying an extra layer to change into can prevent any embarrassing moments.

3. Cold Compresses

To reduce milk production and prevent leaks, apply cold compresses or ice packs to your breasts. Just like with cabbage leaves, the cold can help decrease swelling and signal to your body that milk production should slow.

4. Avoid Stimulation

Activities that stimulate the breasts, such as hot showers or physical touch, can trigger milk production. To avoid leaks, try to minimize unnecessary stimulation during the transition phase.

5. Supportive Bra

Wearing a supportive bra can help prevent milk leakage by providing gentle pressure on your breasts. A sports bra is a great option as it helps keep everything in place while preventing discomfort.

What To Do With That Unused Milk...

If you find yourself with excess milk during the transition, there’s no need to waste it. Here are some suggestions for using or storing milk rather than throwing it away:

1. Donate to a Milk Bank

If your milk supply is still abundant, consider donating it to a milk bank. Many hospitals and milk banks accept donations from nursing mothers, helping babies in need who may not have access to breast milk. Donating milk is a generous way to ensure that your milk is still benefiting infants.

2. Store for Future Use

If you plan to have more children, you can store your milk in a freezer for later use. Breast milk can be frozen for up to six months, allowing you to preserve it for future feedings. Make sure to label each storage bag with the date it was expressed.

3. Use It for Baby Care

Even if your baby has stopped breastfeeding, you can still use your breast milk in other ways. For example, breast milk can be used as a soothing remedy for diaper rashes or as an eye drop for eye infections. Some mothers also use it for skincare—applying breast milk to cracked or irritated skin can help promote healing.

4. Give It to Pets

Some pet owners have found that their animals (like dogs or cats) enjoy the nutritional benefits of breast milk. If you're comfortable with it, you could offer some of your excess milk to your pets, but be sure to consult with your veterinarian first to ensure it's safe.

5. Make Breast Milk Ice Cream or Soap

For a more creative approach, some people make homemade breast milk ice cream or use it as an ingredient in natural soaps. While this may not be for everyone, it’s an option for those looking to use their milk in unique and fun ways.

Take Away

Every woman’s experience with weaning and stopping milk production is different, so be patient with yourself during this transition. Gradual weaning is the best method for reducing milk production without discomfort, and there are several ways to manage leaks. Additionally, instead of discarding excess milk, consider donating it, storing it for future use, or finding other creative ways to use it. In time, your body will adjust, and you’ll be able to move forward with confidence in this new phase of motherhood.

Disclaimer: This information is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for any health concerns or before making any decisions related to your health or the health of your child.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Potty Training Things I Wish Someone Told Me

The plan was to post this for Potty Training Awareness Month in June but here we go! Sharing with you a quick checklist of things you need to remind yourself of when potty training. Go ahead, print it off and place it on your fridge or where you can see it often. If nothing else you'll be reminded that if millions of other parents/ caregivers and their young ones achieved the goal - so will you. 💜

Monday, January 10, 2022

After Birth Checklist

So you’ve survived labour and your bouncing beautiful babies are here.  Here are some administrative and or lifestyle things that many newborn moms consider after baby is here. 


Identifying highly recommended caregivers, especially if you don’t already have a Family Doctor for your little one(s). You can also ask your birthing centre or hospital for recommendations as a start; but be sure to do your own due diligence. 

  • Paediatrician 
  • Paediatric Dentist 
  • Optometrist 



Birth Registration & Certificate

Legacy planning. If you have a will, update it to include your newborn and key information such as what your wishes are for their care incase something happens to either parent. If no will. Look into creating one with a lawyer, financial institution (especially if you are interested in setting up a Trust for your child) or online will writing service. 

Health/Life Insurance. Add your newborn to all your insurance policies. 

Banking Information. Check with your bank to see who is listed as beneficiary on your investments and update as needed. 

Education fund. Tertiary education is pricey so there’s no time like the present to start saving toward’s your little one’s College/University education. 

Passport Application 



Circumcision(For Baby Boys)

Ear Piercing(For Baby Girls)

Baby Blessing/Baptism/Christening & God Parents 

Child Care

Caregiver Training/Briefing. As a new mom you’re often encouraged to take all the help you can get from your village. I want to add to this by saying that it’s important to go over childcare basics and safety with your friends or loved ones who may not be accustomed to caring for a small child or for those who have not done it in years. The last thing you want is to leave your child with someone who is well intentioned but ill prepared to care for your littlest one. 

Drop In Day Care. Identify a good quality drop in daycare centre close to you in the event you have urgent need for child care. 

Day care registration/Waitlist. For longer term childcare in the event of going back to work etc. The earlier you register for a daycare; the better. Words spreads fast in Mama world and the best daycares usually get booked up faster. 

Sentimental Planning

They grow up so fast may be sound like a cliche but it is so true. So now is a good time to determine your budget for capturing memories. Do you want professional newborn and milestone photos or do you want to DIY? Both have different budgetary demands. One this is certain is that you need to figure out how you plan to store all the cute photos and videos. Will you get an external hard drive, extra memory cards? A photo book service extra cloud storage? These are all things to consider. 

  • Newborn Announcement
  • Update Baby Book

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