Showing posts with label Moms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moms. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Self Esteem Tips For Moms

Self Esteem Tips For Moms -

February is famously known as the Love month but did you know it’s also recognized, in some circles, as National Self Esteem Month?

I can’t think of a better way to close out February than to discuss some ways to build self esteem because I can’t think of anyone harder on herself and more deserving of greater self esteem than - a Mom. 💜

“Self-esteem comes from being able to define the world in your own terms and refusing to abide by the judgment of others.” - Oprah Winfrey 

Here are some powerful ways to boost your self esteem:

  • STOP criticising yourself
  • STOP negative & limiting self-talk/beliefs
  • STOP allowing people’s negative opinion of you to define you. You are a work in progress. You can evolve and grow better every day. 
  • STOP comparing yourself 
  • STOP waiting around for others to celebrate you. 
  • STOP downplaying genuine compliments you receive from others 
  • START recognizing and celebrating your small and big wins. 
  • START showing yourself the kindness and empathy you would show to a friend.
  • START practising gratitude
  • START moving – 20 to 30 minutes of exercise per day is a love letter to yourself. Read that again. 
  • START doing more of what brings you joy in life.
  • START spending more time with the people who bring you joy. 

“Learning to love yourself is (one of) the greatest love (s) of all.” - Whitney Houston 

What are some ways you practice building your self esteem? 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

20 Ways To Soothe Your Baby


20 Ways to Soothe Your Baby from Expecting Mami Blog

Babies cry...and they cry a lot so get ready for it. The one piece of advice I’d give to any expecting or trying to conceive mom. Not to worry though, here are 20 ways to soothe a newborn baby that will be sure to come in handy when you’re faced with days and nights of infant crying. You’re welcome! 💜 

  1. Breastfeed/bottle feed 
  2. Brush baby's hair gently 
  3. Car ride 
  4. Check/Change the room temperature 
  5. Give baby a good burp
  6. Give baby massage 
  7. Give baby pacifier 
  8. Give baby a stroll outside 
  9. Gripe water 
  10. Move baby's legs in cycling motion (for passing gas)
  11. Put baby in swing/glider 
  12. Put on white noise 
  13. Read to baby
  14. Rock or glide baby
  15. Show baby interesting pictures in books or around the house 
  16. Sing lullabies 
  17. Skin to skin contact
  18. Swaddle
  19. Warm bath
  20. Wear baby around in carrier
What other ways do you soothe your fussy baby?

Friday, May 8, 2020

Fun @ Home Mothers Day Activities

Hey Mamas 👋,

As we most likely will all be home this Mothers Day. I’m sharing some fun at home activities you can do with your children (or Mom) young or old, this Mothers Day. 

Mothers Day is a very bitter sweet day for me as I lost my mom before I became a mom and my grandmothers are now both deceased. So it’s even more important to me now to cherish the time and memories had with my mom & grandmothers while creating new memories & moments with my little ones. 

What’s your ideal Mother’s Day? Whatever it is I hope it’s a great one. 💜💐

To all those grieving the loss of a mother or child this Mothers Day, my heart is with you.💜💐 

Monday, April 20, 2020

6 Virtual Canadian Adventures

6 Virtual Canadian Adventures -
Royal Ontario Museum
This post is specially for the Mamas and Papas who had a Canadian adventure planned this year. Since those adventures likely won’t happen the way we imagined, in 2020, here are 6 Canadian adventures you can have virtually! 💜 Each of these museums and art galleries offer inspiring  online collections – explore them in your mommy time alone or during family time with the kids in tow. You’re welcome!

What Canadian (or non Canadian) adventure did you have planned for 2020?

Friday, April 3, 2020

4 Indoor Movement Ideas for Littles

No backyard or the weather outside is just not great? Here’s a quick back to basics list of 4 fun activities to keep littles preoccupied indoors. Print it out and put it up in case you run out of ideas.🤪You’re Welcome! What other indoor activities for littles would you add?

Monday, March 23, 2020

10 Interesting Mom Movies - Netflix

We all seem to be indoors a lot these days (bad mom joke lol) so I’ve come up with this list of interesting mom movies, all on Netflix. You’re welcome! If you’ve watched any of these movies before, leave your score out of 10 in the comments below 🍿

  1. 93 Days - A story about a mom working on the frontlines of the Ebola crisis, leaving her son every day, to go out and save others.
  2. Baby Mamas - A story about mothers who got pregnant out of wedlock and who forge a circle of support as they navigate their unique circumstances.
  3. Lost Girls - A story about a mom whose first born child fell into the foster care system and ends up in prostitution. As a result, when this child turned young adult goes missing, the mother takes it upon herself to push the investigation as the authorities are nonchalant. 
  4. Mom - A story about a step mother who goes through drastic lengths to get retribution on the boys who assaulted her step daughter. 
  5. Otherhood - A story about four (4) mature moms who are being neglected by their grown sons but decide to force them to pay attention to mama! Lol
  6. Raising Dion - A story about a mama raising a young prodigy with supernatural powers that he inherited from his Dad. 
  7. Wonder - A story about a mom who puts her dreams on the back burner because her son is born with a disability. Spoiler: this mama finds her way in the end. 
  8. Bird Box - A story about a mom and her two children - (one biological and one God child) trying to survive a world apocalypse and she is charged with protecting them against all odds. 
  9. Self Made - A story about a mama seeking a way out of poverty, for herself and her daughter, who stumbles upon a breakthrough in the hair care industry.
  10. Single Moms Club - A story about single moms forced to band together because of their children but end up forging a bond as they tackle life together.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Toddler Spring Time Activities!

This is a special moment in history where all of us Mamas (and care givers) have been gifted with some extra quality time to spend with our littles; having fun and creating memories. Since we’re all racking our brains for low cost, fun and educational ways to create these memories, I’ve come up with this quick and easy checklist. Print it off so you and your little one can check off as you go along. You’re welcome! 

Toddler Activities Free Printable -

Drop me a line in the comments if you found this useful. Happy Momming! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Amazon Prime: 5 Mom Perks

Expecting Mami Amazon Prime Perks. A picture of Amazon boxes

Another great must have for new moms or just busy moms who need extra time in the day 😅 is Amazon Prime!
Here are 5 things that new moms will love and appreciate about Amazon Prime:

1. Amazon Prime membership can help you keep on top of your baby, home, self care and even some grocery essentials with subscriptions (read power of automation). You can subscribe for all your baby essentials that do run out like Vaseline, formula, wipes, diapers and the list goes on.

2. Speaking of Diapers; Amazon Prime members also get 20% off the cost of Diaper subscriptions

 3. Free Same Day/2 Day Shipping for Prime members is also a good perk when you need your baby essentials pronto but don’t have the time (or energy) to visit the store. 😅


4. One of my favourite Prime benefits would have to be the self care options for moms (read Amazon Video and Amazon Reading). You can get Prime Video on your TV (with Amazon Fire TV Stick or even Roku) on your tablet device and on your Android or iPhone. Amazon Reading is a fairly new perk where you can read hundreds of titles for free! There really is nothing like a good show or a good read to relax the mind every now and again. My favourite show on Prime Video right now is Hanna! 💁‍♀️

 5. Finally, if you’re a mom who loves a good deal then you will love that Prime Membership gets you early access to lightening deals (read deep discounts) throughout the year and to member exclusive shopping events like Prime Day. 💃

~ You’re welcome 🤗🎁🛍

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Breastfeeding During COVID-19

As mentioned in a previous post, I recently had a bout with COVID 19 . During this period I did breastfeed and I did find that my youngest...