Showing posts with label Mom Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mom Life. Show all posts

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Here's to STRONG Women


We recently celebrated International Women's Day under the theme 'Choose to Challenge' and it gave me the opportunity to pause and reflect on one of my favorite quotes:

"Here's to strong women:
May we know them;
May we be them and
May we raise them."

After reflecting and ruminating on what it means to be a STRONG woman, I've further defined it to make it even more real and relevant to all of our lives. I want to challenge us to start with ourselves. 

As it's still International Women's Month I'm sharing this definition right here and right now. 

S - Supported
Strong women not only give support; they need support. Even the most successful leaders, countries, and businesses rely on others for help and support because team work makes the dream work. Asking for help when you need it and collaborating to reach a goal is a sign of strength. As the saying goes 'If you want to go fast; go alone but if you want to go far; go together.'

T - Teacher
Everyone has something to teach and to learn, so make it a good lesson. Whatever you know or do well, share it with someone else; not only will it benefit and enrich another but it will also strengthen your knowledge and confidence in what you know and do well. 

R - Role Model
I've heard it said that those who can't do, teach; so the reverse must be true. Those who can't teach, do. Live your best life and in so doing be a good example to all the girls and young women who are looking for good role models. Be that best version of yourself, that someone to aspire to, even if it's just for you.

O - Organized
One of the bonuses of being an adult is having the freedom of choice. Most of us are at liberty to split our 24hrs however we choose and that is truly a gift. So the challenge is to not only organize our homes, children, spouses, employers lives but to organize our own lives according to our own personal goals.

N - Negotiator
I've once heard it said that everything in life is negotiable so remember that the next time you get a NO (or a not what you want or need). That no may not be final; it may be an opportunity to negotiate, to showcase your strong will, to truly ask for what you want and need with confidence and tenacity. 

G - Go Getter
Shelve the excuses and go get your goals. Not tomorrow, not next week, next month or next year. Start now. The power of NOW means you get to flex your motivation and determination muscles daily. With the power of now you get to keep moving step by step and leap by leap towards those goals until smashing goals becomes as natural as breathing. 


As we demand what we need from others let's challenge ourselves to keep moving towards the ultimate goal and the daily work of becoming our best selves.

You've got this STRONG woman - I believe in you. I believe in us. Happy International Women's Month!💜

Strong Woman - Supported, Teacher, Organized, Negotiator, Go Getter

Monday, April 20, 2020

6 Virtual Canadian Adventures

6 Virtual Canadian Adventures -
Royal Ontario Museum
This post is specially for the Mamas and Papas who had a Canadian adventure planned this year. Since those adventures likely won’t happen the way we imagined, in 2020, here are 6 Canadian adventures you can have virtually! 💜 Each of these museums and art galleries offer inspiring  online collections – explore them in your mommy time alone or during family time with the kids in tow. You’re welcome!

What Canadian (or non Canadian) adventure did you have planned for 2020?

Friday, April 3, 2020

4 Indoor Movement Ideas for Littles

No backyard or the weather outside is just not great? Here’s a quick back to basics list of 4 fun activities to keep littles preoccupied indoors. Print it out and put it up in case you run out of ideas.🤪You’re Welcome! What other indoor activities for littles would you add?

Monday, March 23, 2020

10 Interesting Mom Movies - Netflix

We all seem to be indoors a lot these days (bad mom joke lol) so I’ve come up with this list of interesting mom movies, all on Netflix. You’re welcome! If you’ve watched any of these movies before, leave your score out of 10 in the comments below 🍿

  1. 93 Days - A story about a mom working on the frontlines of the Ebola crisis, leaving her son every day, to go out and save others.
  2. Baby Mamas - A story about mothers who got pregnant out of wedlock and who forge a circle of support as they navigate their unique circumstances.
  3. Lost Girls - A story about a mom whose first born child fell into the foster care system and ends up in prostitution. As a result, when this child turned young adult goes missing, the mother takes it upon herself to push the investigation as the authorities are nonchalant. 
  4. Mom - A story about a step mother who goes through drastic lengths to get retribution on the boys who assaulted her step daughter. 
  5. Otherhood - A story about four (4) mature moms who are being neglected by their grown sons but decide to force them to pay attention to mama! Lol
  6. Raising Dion - A story about a mama raising a young prodigy with supernatural powers that he inherited from his Dad. 
  7. Wonder - A story about a mom who puts her dreams on the back burner because her son is born with a disability. Spoiler: this mama finds her way in the end. 
  8. Bird Box - A story about a mom and her two children - (one biological and one God child) trying to survive a world apocalypse and she is charged with protecting them against all odds. 
  9. Self Made - A story about a mama seeking a way out of poverty, for herself and her daughter, who stumbles upon a breakthrough in the hair care industry.
  10. Single Moms Club - A story about single moms forced to band together because of their children but end up forging a bond as they tackle life together.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Child Travel Checklist: Part 2

Here’s a handy checklist you can use when packing for your child. See Child Travel Checklist: Part 1 for a list of things to check off before you even touch the suitcase.

  • Travel Stroller (Light) or Baby Carrier
  • Car Seat (Light) (or rent from car rental)
  • Milk, Baby Food, & Snacks (Enough for airport/flight)
  • Refillable Water Bottle
  • Clothing (Based on activities planned) + spare clothes for carry on
  • Daily Grooming supplies, Diapering Essentials (Travel Size)
  • Sunscreen & Insect Repellant (Child friendly)
  • Extra Bags (to pack away soiled clothes)
  • Hand Sanitizer & Child friendly sanitizing wipes
  • Inflatable Bath tub
  • Small Toys, books or fun distractions
Nice To Have
  • Baby noise cancelling headphones
  • Small tablet or iPad (with pre loaded games & kids shows)
  • Toddler headphones
What are some must haves on your child's travel checklist? I'm curious to know...

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Get Organized With A Planner

It’s the beginning of a new year - well kinda! Moms with little ones in the back to school after a pandemic lockdown category know what I mean. Get organized and stay organized in this new academic year of your child’s life with a Planner.

Whether it's a virtual planner, homeschool journal or regular planner or bullet journal - having some kind of plan for the next 365 days helps to make room for more fun and less stress on the patenting journey. 

Journaling/planning is also great for moms because it reminds us of the activities, attitudes and special events that are important to us. 

For example, in journaling/planning for the year ahead we can remind ourselves to begin every task/goal with positive energy and affirmations and also to review each task/goal with gratitude at the end of each day. Don’t we all need more of this in our lives? Right!?

You sure don’t need me to tell you how to plan and construct the beautifully unique mom life of your dreams. Only you know the combination of actions that will bring more joy to your family.

Here are some planners/bullet journals a mom might consider using:


3. The Panda Planner 

What’s your number 1 tip for staying organized as a mom? Comment below! 

Have you read?

Breastfeeding During COVID-19

As mentioned in a previous post, I recently had a bout with COVID 19 . During this period I did breastfeed and I did find that my youngest...