Showing posts with label Fussy Baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fussy Baby. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2021

20 Ways To Soothe Your Baby


20 Ways to Soothe Your Baby from Expecting Mami Blog

Babies cry...and they cry a lot so get ready for it. The one piece of advice I’d give to any expecting or trying to conceive mom. Not to worry though, here are 20 ways to soothe a newborn baby that will be sure to come in handy when you’re faced with days and nights of infant crying. You’re welcome! 💜 

  1. Breastfeed/bottle feed 
  2. Brush baby's hair gently 
  3. Car ride 
  4. Check/Change the room temperature 
  5. Give baby a good burp
  6. Give baby massage 
  7. Give baby pacifier 
  8. Give baby a stroll outside 
  9. Gripe water 
  10. Move baby's legs in cycling motion (for passing gas)
  11. Put baby in swing/glider 
  12. Put on white noise 
  13. Read to baby
  14. Rock or glide baby
  15. Show baby interesting pictures in books or around the house 
  16. Sing lullabies 
  17. Skin to skin contact
  18. Swaddle
  19. Warm bath
  20. Wear baby around in carrier
What other ways do you soothe your fussy baby?

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