Tuesday, September 6, 2022

10 Things I Did Not Expect With Motherhood


Here’s a random list of 10 things neutral, pleasant and not so pleasant that I did not expect on the new motherhood journey. 

  1. Consequences of Sleep Deprivation- Almost every new or ttc mom will hear a lot about all the sleep they’ll lose but it’s a whole different thing imagining the consequences of it. Things like irritability, being on the verge of insanity or even being so sleep deprived  that things that once seemed so easy becomes 10 x harder.  
  2. Random Opinions of Others- having people who’ve had kids a longggg time ago or who have never had kids insist on sharing their ‘best practices’ (Go right ahead and laugh at this - I’m laughing right along with you.)
  3. Being Emotional towards all their younger baby pictures, outgrown baby clothes and toys, growth changes, everything! 
  4. Being Touched Out! (I love you but get off me and give a Mami some personal space love.)
  5. Being drained from Toddler Chatter(Polly want a cracker?) 
  6. Oh the Research! For the very many non - textbook subjective, personal, familial and cultural parenting decisions we constantly have to make. From the circumcised vs. uncircumcised, piercings vs. no piercings, vaccine vs. no vaccine, schooling vs. homeschooling and the list goes on and on and on. 
  7. The Inevitable Change in Social Circles. Don’t be surprised if people you were acquainted with politely excuse themselves from your life (or straight out ghost you) once you become a Mom. It is okay, even if you don’t understand it. Give them grace because you may also need to do the same. 
  8. The Mom Friend Challenge. How challenging it is to make mom friends where you gel with the parent just as your kids gel with their kids. (Not talking about if you were friends before you became moms here because 99.9% of kids born into the friendship have no choice - they better get along). The friendship mismatch can be so real and the stars may not all align. Good luck out there!
  9. Monkey Mom Syndrome or the Mom Comparison Trap. Caveat: I do believe comparison is healthy as a tool to discover best practices that can make the Mom journey easier. However, when it turns toxic, into a competition where you are more invested in other Moms tips and tricks than your own, then that’s the trap. Friends, get out and stay out. There is magic in being as present as possible in your own motherhood journey. 
  10. How Fast & Slow Time Flies, at the same time, on the journey. As the saying goes - the days are long but the years are short. (Or whatever they said).
What are some things you did not expect about motherhood but came as a pleasant/unpleasant surprise? (Share your thoughts in the comments or with a mommy 

friend or two.) 💜