Saturday, March 13, 2021

Here's to STRONG Women


We recently celebrated International Women's Day under the theme 'Choose to Challenge' and it gave me the opportunity to pause and reflect on one of my favorite quotes:

"Here's to strong women:
May we know them;
May we be them and
May we raise them."

After reflecting and ruminating on what it means to be a STRONG woman, I've further defined it to make it even more real and relevant to all of our lives. I want to challenge us to start with ourselves. 

As it's still International Women's Month I'm sharing this definition right here and right now. 

S - Supported
Strong women not only give support; they need support. Even the most successful leaders, countries, and businesses rely on others for help and support because team work makes the dream work. Asking for help when you need it and collaborating to reach a goal is a sign of strength. As the saying goes 'If you want to go fast; go alone but if you want to go far; go together.'

T - Teacher
Everyone has something to teach and to learn, so make it a good lesson. Whatever you know or do well, share it with someone else; not only will it benefit and enrich another but it will also strengthen your knowledge and confidence in what you know and do well. 

R - Role Model
I've heard it said that those who can't do, teach; so the reverse must be true. Those who can't teach, do. Live your best life and in so doing be a good example to all the girls and young women who are looking for good role models. Be that best version of yourself, that someone to aspire to, even if it's just for you.

O - Organized
One of the bonuses of being an adult is having the freedom of choice. Most of us are at liberty to split our 24hrs however we choose and that is truly a gift. So the challenge is to not only organize our homes, children, spouses, employers lives but to organize our own lives according to our own personal goals.

N - Negotiator
I've once heard it said that everything in life is negotiable so remember that the next time you get a NO (or a not what you want or need). That no may not be final; it may be an opportunity to negotiate, to showcase your strong will, to truly ask for what you want and need with confidence and tenacity. 

G - Go Getter
Shelve the excuses and go get your goals. Not tomorrow, not next week, next month or next year. Start now. The power of NOW means you get to flex your motivation and determination muscles daily. With the power of now you get to keep moving step by step and leap by leap towards those goals until smashing goals becomes as natural as breathing. 


As we demand what we need from others let's challenge ourselves to keep moving towards the ultimate goal and the daily work of becoming our best selves.

You've got this STRONG woman - I believe in you. I believe in us. Happy International Women's Month!💜

Strong Woman - Supported, Teacher, Organized, Negotiator, Go Getter

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