Tuesday, February 23, 2021

A Breastfeeding Story

I want to share my breastfeeding story before I forget and before the magic of time erases all the little nuances - the good, the bad and the blah. It’s especially important because as a mom who has breastfed previously it’s amazing what people assume. For example, some healthcare professionals sometimes assume that because you’ve breastfed before, for a full year; you’ll do brilliantly at it again. Well in all fairness it’s an educated guess. So here goes...

The Good 

If you’re an expecting or new mom you would have heard all the great benefits of breastfeeding by now: 

✔️Boosts baby’s immune system (yes, even against the Corona Virus

✔️Strengthens mother-baby bond

✔️Built in baby pacifier

✔️Most affordable way to feed baby

✔️Most nutritious way to feed baby

And the list goes on...

The Bad

✖️No matter how many babies you’ve birthed - those first few latches hurt. You can lessen the pain by having nipple cream on hand. Coconut oil & Vaseline also works for healing cracked nipples. 

✖️No matter how many babies you’ve birthed difficulties with latching, engorgement, low supply, Baby puking/spit ups etc. may still occur and may still be very emotional for a mom post labour. I remember crying uncontrollably when breastfeeding my 1st child wasn't going well in the beginning. There were times I had to give it a rest & pump (for a bottle feed) or supplement with formula. Which leads to my third point...

✖️No matter how many babies you’ve birthed, supplementation and bottle feeding may still be part of your breastfeeding journey and that's okay.

The Blah

When breastfeeding you either prepare or prepare to fail. You want to have all the essentials so you have one less thing to feel overwhelmed about on the journey. Things like:

✔️ Breastfeeding bras & shirts that allow easy access to your breasts.

✔ Breast pads (disposable & reusable)

✔️Breast pumps & accessories (Electric & portable)

A nursing pillow that fits you well

✔️Nipple Cream (as mentioned before)

✔️Gripe water (non-alcoholic) because sometimes the issue is not the breast itself but something agitating in the milk. 

✔️Burping cloths (Receiving blankets and hand towels can be used for this purpose too...basically any clean towel that can save your clothes from getting drenched in puke.)

✔️A change of blouse/shirt for your diaper bag because things happen.

The Etiquette of Breastfeeding in Public

Back when going out in public was a thing, as a first time mom, I was always so concerned about the 'etiquette of breastfeeding in public'. I remember taking my 3 month old on a family outing to the aquarium armed with formula (just in case) but ending up finding all the dark corners to sit and breastfeed privately. 

Thankfully, the #normalizebreastfeeding movement quickly grew since then. By the time I had my second child I was whipping my breast out anywhere my baby demanded (even at the border patrol office. This is a whole other blog. 😅) Now I breastfeed wherever is most convenient to me and my baby.

📈No matter how many babies you’ve birthed, proper latching is a learning curve for both mom & baby. You can lessen the curve by attending lactation classes or at least checking out what’s on offer from YouTube. 

The Takeaway 

No matter how many babies you’ve birthed, breastfeeding can be challenging and it’s a journey with hurdles along the way...but with perseverance you can make it on the journey and even enjoy it. If you have to end your breastfeeding journey earlier than expected be encouraged that breast is best & fed is best too...depending on who’s talking. Also each new child gives a new opportunity to begin a new breastfeeding journey. 

Wishing you all the very breast on your feeding journey mama - and no matter what keep feeding! 💜

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