Monday, March 23, 2020

10 Interesting Mom Movies - Netflix

We all seem to be indoors a lot these days (bad mom joke lol) so I’ve come up with this list of interesting mom movies, all on Netflix. You’re welcome! If you’ve watched any of these movies before, leave your score out of 10 in the comments below 🍿

  1. 93 Days - A story about a mom working on the frontlines of the Ebola crisis, leaving her son every day, to go out and save others.
  2. Baby Mamas - A story about mothers who got pregnant out of wedlock and who forge a circle of support as they navigate their unique circumstances.
  3. Lost Girls - A story about a mom whose first born child fell into the foster care system and ends up in prostitution. As a result, when this child turned young adult goes missing, the mother takes it upon herself to push the investigation as the authorities are nonchalant. 
  4. Mom - A story about a step mother who goes through drastic lengths to get retribution on the boys who assaulted her step daughter. 
  5. Otherhood - A story about four (4) mature moms who are being neglected by their grown sons but decide to force them to pay attention to mama! Lol
  6. Raising Dion - A story about a mama raising a young prodigy with supernatural powers that he inherited from his Dad. 
  7. Wonder - A story about a mom who puts her dreams on the back burner because her son is born with a disability. Spoiler: this mama finds her way in the end. 
  8. Bird Box - A story about a mom and her two children - (one biological and one God child) trying to survive a world apocalypse and she is charged with protecting them against all odds. 
  9. Self Made - A story about a mama seeking a way out of poverty, for herself and her daughter, who stumbles upon a breakthrough in the hair care industry.
  10. Single Moms Club - A story about single moms forced to band together because of their children but end up forging a bond as they tackle life together.

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