Friday, August 30, 2019

Breast Pumps: Are They Even Necessary?

“Breast Pumps, are they even worth buying?” This is a question many first time moms have asked themselves (myself included). This may seem like an obvious yes or no to those who are already moms and especially moms who have breast fed but for the budget conscious and minimalist mom, this is definitely a question worth exploring. Here are some results to this question as answered by real moms on social media:

Based on the results many moms believe breast pumps are not must haves (in certain instances) while others believe they are must haves in other scenarios. So let’s start with some of the reasons for moms saying it’s not a must have.

The number 1 reason  moms give for not needing to own a breast pump is if you are a stay at home mom who is rarely away from your child. In this case it may actually be more beneficial to spare yourself  this expense and to borrow a pump as the need arises. You can borrow a breast pump from a close friend or family member or rent one from your hospital or breastfeeding clinic.

Another alternative to owning or borrowing a breast pump is to practice the hand expression technique that lactation specialists teach in breastfeeding classes. The hand expression technique can help to deal with any temporary engorgement issues. Recap: If you are constantly with your baby, a breast pump may just be a nice to have or luxury item for you.

Here are some reasons/cases moms gave for saying a breast pump is a must have item for expecting moms. A breast pump is a must have for:
  • Moms who have to go back to work early, travel or be away from their baby in general
  • Moms who want to (or need to) take a break from breastfeeding every now and again
  • Moms who want to involve other family members in the feeding process for family bonding
  • Moms who need to release pressure in the breasts from milk over supply or engorgement in general.  
For those moms who fall in the breast pump as a newborn must have category here are my top picks (that I’ve actually used - you’re welcome!) for a breast pump: 

1. Medela Pump In Style - A pump with lots of useful accessories like a stylish tote, breastmilk storage bags, a cooler and ice pack, a battery powered charger, breast pads, nipple cream and extra bottles to store milk. 

2. Spectra breast pump - powerful, programmable suction that gets the job done in little to no time. Has a neat bottle holder to rest bottle of expressed milk and a night light so it's great for expressing in baby's nursey in the wee hours of night (if you need to.)

3. Hakka Breast pump - light weight, portable and gets the job done. Depending on your breast size it could even be hands free.

What is your take - is a breast pump a must have, nice to have or a luxury item? Have your say by commenting below! 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Boppy Pillow: Breastfeeding Must Have

National Breastfeeding Month cannot end without me talking about one of my favourite new mom must haves - the Boppy Pillow!

As a first time mom I did not start out with a Boppy nursing pillow. I started out with a twin size My Brest Friend pillow because it was recommended by a friend. Turned out that pillow was way too big for me and I was having issues keeping the baby propped up on the pillow. 

I remember another mommy friend had used the Bobby Pillow for her first baby so I decided to try out the Boppy Luxe nursing pillow. Two babies later I've been breastfeeding with the Boppy pillow like a pro!

In my experience the Boppy pillow is great because:
  • It fits moms of most shapes and size
  • It is completely machine washable and can be popped in the dryer.
  • No matter how many times it is washed it still maintains its shape and firmness.
  • They sell affordable beautifully designed cases if for any reason you choose to change the look of your Boppy pillow.
  • Great value for money as with proper care it can last a really long time and can even be regifted.


What is your favourite nursing pillow and what do you like most about it? Comment below!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Get Organized With A Planner

It’s the beginning of a new year - well kinda! Moms with little ones in the back to school after a pandemic lockdown category know what I mean. Get organized and stay organized in this new academic year of your child’s life with a Planner.

Whether it's a virtual planner, homeschool journal or regular planner or bullet journal - having some kind of plan for the next 365 days helps to make room for more fun and less stress on the patenting journey. 

Journaling/planning is also great for moms because it reminds us of the activities, attitudes and special events that are important to us. 

For example, in journaling/planning for the year ahead we can remind ourselves to begin every task/goal with positive energy and affirmations and also to review each task/goal with gratitude at the end of each day. Don’t we all need more of this in our lives? Right!?

You sure don’t need me to tell you how to plan and construct the beautifully unique mom life of your dreams. Only you know the combination of actions that will bring more joy to your family.

Here are some planners/bullet journals a mom might consider using:


3. The Panda Planner 

What’s your number 1 tip for staying organized as a mom? Comment below! 

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Breastfeeding During COVID-19

As mentioned in a previous post, I recently had a bout with COVID 19 . During this period I did breastfeed and I did find that my youngest...